Author: James



Completed this kit a good while ago(so much so i’m quite far into my next kit!) and I have taken absolutely forever to bother taking some piccies. But anyway, here we are! GP02 now has someone to square up to!

Clicky through for review!

Read More HG 1/144 RX-78GP01Fb – Review


Finally! A good three and a half years since Ben originally got me this kit it’s finally done, and what a monster it is! Compared to other 1/144 models it’s a goliath, the MG must be insanely huge!

On with the review!

Read More HG 1/144 RX-78GP02A – Review


He’s done! Well actually he’s been done for some time but between sorting the wedding, the insane business of work and having to travel to Cornwall for a funeral, I’ve been a bit on the busy side!

Read More MG RX-78 Gundam V 2.0 Completed


This is the first Gunpla i’ve built in ages, it’s a fairly old 1/144 kit I purchased when I was in Japan last month but on the plus side it’s a GM Sniper, as featured in the 8th MS Team OVA – one of my favourites.

Read More HG 1/144 GM Sniper – Review!