Another Gunpla to the pile! The Gundam Thunderbolt designs are really crazy, sporting weapons and shields in such ridiculous quantities they could only work in zero gravity! Beam sabers, missile pods, a bunch of shields, this thing has them all!
There are nine runners in total, plus polycaps and beam blades. There’s a fair bit of part repetition, in fact two of the runners are exact duplicates. I like the look of the shield design, they’re a little more angular than the usual.
One downside is this one will definitely need some painting to complete, a clean build won’t look half as good as the boxart! I’ll probably use some of these stickers, but those red ones don’t look so good, plus the paint mix for that colour looks tricky. I wish they’d put the paint guide on the box somewhere instead of in the instruction book, it makes buying a kit and paint at the same time such a pain!
A couple of nice extras with this one, firstly there’s a stand plus this cool booklet which is an introduction to the Gundam Thunderbolt manga with some really great artwork!
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