[flickr id=”6200147068″ thumbnail=”original” overlay=”false” size=”large” group=”” align=”none”]
Back in the game! This should be a quick build, however it’s part of a much larger project I’m working on.
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Pretty simple even for an HG kit, 3 small runners plus polycaps.. This kit was released in 2003 originally so it’s to be expected. A single sticker is included for the mono-eye.
[flickr id=”6199634861″ thumbnail=”original” overlay=”false” size=”large” group=”” align=”none”]
Although, when one of those runners is almost entirely dedicated to weapons, who can complain?! Machinegun, heat hawk, missile pods, bazooka… oh wow 🙂
[flickr id=”6199634935″ thumbnail=”original” overlay=”false” size=”large” group=”” align=”none”]
On the subject of that single sticker… consider it binned. I’ll be using these replacements I bought in Japan ages ago, much nicer!
Time for a bacon sandwich and a spot of Gunpla then!
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