Deco trains are relatively common in Japan, I’ve shared a few pictures in the past. Generally, they’ll be promoting something or other, but this new loop line train launched at the start of June is a little different.
Dramatically named “Osaka Power Loop”, the train is a moving art gallery of sorts, with each of the eight carriages featuring artwork from a different artist. Pictured above is the “Loop Line Entertainment” carriage, the other seven are…
- Loop Line Community
- Loop Line Culture
- Loop Line Nature
- Loop Line Happy Power(that’s the women-only carriage)
- Loop Line Gourmet(Osaka food is so good!)
- Loop Line Landmark
- Loop Line History
Each one has a really different colour scheme and art style making it very distinctive! Inside it’s business as usual though, except a lot of the advertising has been replaced with promotional material. Keep an eye out for this groovy train if you’re in Osaka!
Osaka Power Loop official website(Japanese)
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