Golden week is combined the name for a number of Japanese public holidays in late April and early May. One of these is Children’s day(also known as Boy’s Day) which falls on May 5th. One of the traditions of Children’s day is to make origami Kabuto – samurai helmet, as you can see Lawson were getting into the spirit by decorating their onigiri with them! As well as adding a nice bit of colour, there’s a hidden game here too.
Here are the Kabuto, removed from the onigiri, the look pretty normal huh? Flip them over aaaaaand…
Hey! there’s a guy in there!
A little bit of folding later and two onigiri warriors appeared. On the left we have Shi-Chikin-san and on the right, the mighty Katsuo-kun.
These leaflets were also in the conbini, which with a bit of folding turn into our…
The idea is to place your wrestler in the ring, then you take hold of the two corners of the ring facing you while your opponent does the same. From here it’s simple, shake the ring like crazy until one wrestler is left standing! It’s a fun little free gift and I really like the simple art style too.
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