The weekend approaches and we’re back in Akihabara!
This photo is from my very first ever evening in Japan (28th October 2007). We arrived at our hotel in Ochanomizu at about 4pm and were a little too worn out to venture too far so we headed up the road to Akihabara to take in the Otaku wonderland!
We proceeded to spend far too much on arcades, models and UFO machines, ooooh the UFO machines, so tough but so fun ^_^. This picture reminds me fondly of trying to win a Rilakkuma for Emma and also mild embarrassment because I was so rubbish the kind lady attendant of the Sega arcade opened the machine and teetered one right on the edge of the chute so even I could win. When I finally got it I remember running over and proudly showing it off, proclaiming my gratitude in my amazing tourist Japanese. I’m sure I looked ridiculous but I couldn’t care less, I was living the dream 🙂
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