Back here in the UK, building any kind of addition onto your home involves a ton of paperwork and red tape. By the looks of thing in Japan all you need is a few bits and pieces from your local hardware store and a bit of time! Here are a few unique extensions I came across.
The shot above is a house in Arashiyama, Kyoto, not quite what this mans wife was expecting when she asked for a conservatory I imagine!
This next shot is from a residential district on the edge of Shinjuku park. Quite impressed they built around the tree! in this photo it actually looks quite sturdy but in person, not so much…
Finally, here we have Kanda Yabu Soba. During those cold and wet winter months the kind staff construct some extra shelter outside the noodle house for the customers who happily wait in line(sometimes for hours!) Again it was a little shaky, but after waiting in the cold and wind on new years eve, it was shelter I was pretty thankful for!
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